Napier And Taupo Holiday

It was finally the holidays school was out and i was ready to go on a adventure. The first stop was in napier, When we arrived in napier we were heading to go stay at my aunties house, When we got there she greeted us with a home cooked meal. A couple days past and it was time to say goodbye to my family, Are next stop was in Taupo we were staying in a place called DeBretts spa resort. There were many things to do like water slides,hot pools and more. The first thing me my mum and my little sister were going to do was the waterslides and hot pools, it was a blast. The rest of the time was mostly spent on the big bounce air pad what is that you my ask well its a big bounce areia were you would bounce. One of my favourite features was definitely how almost everything lit up at night it was beautiful. That was one holiday i would never forget.


  1. Hi Daisy,
    Well done for blogging in your holidays. Your holiday sounds like it was a lot of fun. Maybe next time you could describe what it felt like and looked like zooming down the waterslides. Enjoy the rest of your holidays.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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